Out of an abundance of caution, we have decided to reduce uncertainty surrounding the event for everyone involved and make the call now. July is four months away, and it is possible that the spread of coronavirus might slow by then. Restart Harvest Broker and other processes (ex: Harweb).In response to the COVID-19 outbreak, we have decided to cancel the New Harvest 2020 conference scheduled to take place July 10 and 11 at the MIT Media Lab in Cambridge, Massachusetts.
#Cancel harvest host driver#
If you want you can go ahead and select the Test driver connection option and verify connectivity between Oracle and Harvest using this newly configured DSN.When prompted for service name, provide the Oracle TNS service name (you collected this in Step (1) above).However, if there are multiple DSNs listed here, you can obtain the one that Harvest Server uses by doing: grep datasource $HARVESTHOME/HServer.arg). Then provide the name of the existing Harvest DSN name that you'd like to reconfigure (This should be already listed out here.Then choose the co option for configure ODBC DSN.Specify the database type as O for oracle.Database configuration prompt appears and you'd be prompted to select the DBMS type.Invoke the Harvest database configuration utility by executing.On UNIX prompt, change to $HARVESTHOME/bin directory.'grep odbcenv.sh $HARVESTHOME/bin/hserver' # notice back tick characters here.You can obtain the location of $ODBC_HOME by executing below commands at the UNIX prompt: This user needs to have proper write privileges to the files in the $ODBC_HOME directory. Login to the Harvest Broker Unix node as the user who installed Harvest.Identify the TNS Alias/Service-Name that your Harvest Broker Unix node can use to connect to the Oracle database.This may cause some performance impact, though not significant. This option is going to introduce another layer of communication (TNS protocol layer) between Harvest Server and Oracle database.

This option only affects Harvest and the way it connects to the Oracle database. Test the server-side UDP which caused the previous Harvest Client hang situation.Stop any other applications (ex: Harweb) that are connected to Oracle database above.